It’s been too long since I’ve updated here, so I’m not even going to try to include everything that’s happened since then. I do have good intentions about posting more often (I will have to, if I want to actually complete my goal). Of course, let it be said, I also had good intentions before.…

The biggest thing this week is that the school year is finally winding down for everyone. The eldest three girls are exempt from their exams, and so are already done. Gabriel had too many absences this year to be exempt, so he and his brothers still have a couple days.

It’s been a week for community, too. After church on Sunday, the Sunday school teachers organized a kickball game for the students (and pressed me and some other dads into service as umpire and coaches, respectively). Even the kids who were too cool to actually play—some of them mine—came out and watched. It wasn’t anything earth-shattering, particularly, but the kids had a good time, laughing and carrying on and arguing good naturedly. Just a bright moment to remember.

Not quite as special but still nice, today my employer had a crawfish boil for the employees assigned to the office and those remote employees (like me) close enough to come. I don’t much care for crawfish, but it was good to see people and catch up in person, not only in instant messages or video chat.

It’s of things like these that community arises. Just people, talking to each other, doing things together. Doesn’t really have to be anything important, or special, as long as it’s actually together.